Garlic in April
The old saying “April showers bring May flowers” is also true for garlic. In just a couple of weeks, my garlic has doubled in size and...
Garlic in January
Well, here it is again ......the cold winter months, and you start to wonder if your garlic will make thru the winter. I'm sure it will...
Garlic work in December is normally pretty slow but this year I have added a new product which is GARLIC POWDER. I will use all the small...
Garlic 2020 planting plan
I have decided to try plastic mulch this year. So I invested in a plastic mulch layer which seems to be a really nice piece of equipment....
Buckwheat 2019 crop
This is the second year for a cover crop so Buckwheat is the crop again , the reason was because the fast growing crop. The residue...
Well , the 2019 harvest is finished and in the shed starting to cure. The next task is cleaning and sizing for marketing. After cleaning...