Garlic in March it is up !
So after 5 months things begin , the garlic is coming up and the work will start. I will start with walking the rows to uncover the...

I have been working on a hardneck garlic planter for it seems like years . I have redesigned many times as I go. It is for a 3 point...

I have been working on a GARLIC BULB SIZING tool. I make them on a 3D printer. The tool will measure garlic bulbs 1-1/4 " to 2 "and ...

Garlic Scapes|Garlic Pesto|Scape Lasagna
Preserving Garlic Scapes [if lt IE 9]> <![endif] Weaver II Extras Version 2.3.1 This site is using Weaver II 2.1.12 (65) subtheme: WP...

Planting Garlic in October
Planting garlic in October

Garlic Recipe
Recipes from the Farm START pure.io styles link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.6.0/pure-min.css"[if lte IE 8]>...