Garlic in January
Well, here it is again ......the cold winter months, and you start to wonder if your garlic will make thru the winter. I'm sure it will...

Garlic in March it is up !
So after 5 months things begin , the garlic is coming up and the work will start. I will start with walking the rows to uncover the...

Garlic Scapes|Garlic Pesto|Scape Lasagna
Preserving Garlic Scapes [if lt IE 9]> <![endif] Weaver II Extras Version 2.3.1 This site is using Weaver II 2.1.12 (65) subtheme: WP...

Garlic Recipe
Recipes from the Farm START pure.io styles link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.6.0/pure-min.css"[if lte IE 8]>...